Book Launch Day

I’m excited to announce my book launch on March 17 (St Paddy’s Day) at the Barn in Taipa. John Smart has kindly made the facility available from 2-4:30 PM. The Barn is across from Taipa College and is well-marked.

He is currently doing a fundraiser to acquire a grand piano for the Barn.

I would like to combine my book launch and help with the fundraiser, so I am asking for a $5 entry koha for the piano; a portion of the book sales will also go towards the piano.

This will be a BYOB event and books are available for $25 (online for $32); I will also offer to sign. Readings and music will also be available. You can also find more information on my webpage When you are on the website click on the heading blog to see all current blogs in the future.

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